Sunday, December 9, 2012

Fruit aversion...

Along with being addicted to some pretty terrible-for-you foods, I grew up hating fruit. Weird, I know.
It's a texture thing. I've re-tried various fruits over the years, but my body has developed a physical aversion to the stuff. Great for trying to be healthy, right?
Well, smoothies have become my solution! I get my fruit and a fabulously healthy meal (typically breakfast) all in one! Below is my typical smoothie.
My go-to smoothie has strawberries, yogurt, a spoonful of ground flaxseed (makes it filling!), and milk. (TIP: Freeze yogurt in an ice cube tray, makes a nice and thick smoothie!)
Put all ingredients into blender! (TIP: If your blender is a piece of crap like mine, thawing out the frozen fruit helps.)

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