Sunday, December 9, 2012

Fruit aversion...

Along with being addicted to some pretty terrible-for-you foods, I grew up hating fruit. Weird, I know.
It's a texture thing. I've re-tried various fruits over the years, but my body has developed a physical aversion to the stuff. Great for trying to be healthy, right?
Well, smoothies have become my solution! I get my fruit and a fabulously healthy meal (typically breakfast) all in one! Below is my typical smoothie.
My go-to smoothie has strawberries, yogurt, a spoonful of ground flaxseed (makes it filling!), and milk. (TIP: Freeze yogurt in an ice cube tray, makes a nice and thick smoothie!)
Put all ingredients into blender! (TIP: If your blender is a piece of crap like mine, thawing out the frozen fruit helps.)

Entering Rehab

Hello, my name is Kristen and I am an addict. I’m addicted to french fries.
Well not just french fries, you can include chicken tenders as well. Maybe more junk food than that too…
I’ve always been very active growing up and throughout college, until a knee surgery forced me to sit still for a while. During my recovery, I was able to see that my eating habits are down right terrible, and without the constant exercising my weight started to increase. 
I never gained the “freshman 15”, but I did gain the “you eat like crap 20”. 
Join me as I embark on my new journey towards health and wellness, and the occasional french fry- because abstaining completely leads to binging… right?